This patient retired from Indian Railway. The patient presented with blockage in arteries and underwent Stenting to LAD and LCx At Indus International Hospital. The Angioplasty was done by Dr Sandeep Parekh, Interventional Cardiologist. Watch the patient testimonial.
This patient retired from Indian Railway. The patient presented with blockage in arteries and underwent Stenting to LAD and LCx At Indus International Hospital. The Angioplasty was done by Dr Sandeep Parekh, Interventional Cardiologist. Watch the patient testimonial.
This patient retired from Indian Railway. The patient presented with blockage in arteries and underwent Stenting to LAD and LCx At Indus International Hospital. The Angioplasty was done by Dr Sandeep Parekh, Interventional Cardiologist. Watch the patient testimonial.
This patient retired from Indian Railway. The patient presented with blockage in arteries and underwent Stenting to LAD and LCx At Indus International Hospital. The Angioplasty was done by Dr Sandeep Parekh, Interventional Cardiologist. Watch the patient testimonial.
Heart Attack can strike anybody anytime. During such an emergency it is extremely important for the family members to be in touch with a heart specialist, who can guide you properly and ensure that the patient reaches a heart hospital in time. The team at the hospital should be fully ready to save the life of the patient.
Dr. Sandeep Parekh
MBBS, MD, DrNB (Cardiology)
Senior Cardiologist
Indus Hospital, Dera Bassi, Chandigarh